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Battens Online Directory

What we saw

We realised that Nigeria had a ot of local businesses who do not have online visibility as they do not understand the extent to which it can impact their businesses. On the other hand is a rising population of internet users are not informed about the existence of such bsusinesses.

Our Approach

We intend to solve the challenge by building an online directory that will list most local businesses. We got localised paid ambassadors that will educate local business and list their  business also.

We open new doors...

We aim to cover every business

Auto location

The site aims to auto-locate you and give you direction to the closest place around you to get what you need.


The site is designed in such a way that you can get what you are searching for in a click or two

Business publicity

This directory gives you the freedom to talk about your business, just the way you want it, you are welcome to style your writing about your brand just the way you will love it

The Results Were Amazing

We did our test launch at July 2013 and received a lot of registration and likes on Facebook. But we could not stop there, because our aim is perfection and that was why we went back to our drawing table to give you just what you need